Seedor Reordering rules are the structure of a set of rules which helps the user to set some rules to make their warehouse with the fulfilment of stocked products.
In this video we can see "How to create reordering rule"
Using this rule we can replenish the stock when it reaches a minimum stock level.
Go to Products--- Open the configuration page of a storable product:
First, make sure that a vendor is set for the product after that reordering rules can be created for the product by clicking on Reordering Rules. Click the CREATE button to create a new rule by giving values for the following fields:
Preferred Route- Route through which the product must go while the rule is triggered. There are 4 options: Dropship, Buy, Manufacture, Resupply subcontractor in order.
Trigger- It can be auto or manual. By default it is auto.
When Trigger is manual, RFQ or manufacturing order will not be generated automatically on clicking run scheduler. Replenishment needs to be done manually. For that go to Inventory--- Operations--- Replenishment. Here you can see a new entry created for the product for replenishment with the field values given before in the rule. Click on Order Once to replenish the product from here(generates an RFQ or manufacturing order depending upon the preferred route). If an RFP is generated confirm the order and receive the products so that stock can be refilled.
When Trigger is auto, after creating the rule go to Operations--- Run scheduler and click run scheduler to trigger the rule and replenish the product automatically.
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