


1. Acquire leads

1. 1 Lead generation

           Lead generation is the process by which a company acquires leads and collects relevant data about potential customers in order to enable a relationship and to turn them into customers. For example, a website visitor  who fills in your contact form to know more about your products and services becomes a lead for your company.

  How to generate leads with CRM Seedor?

Leads can be captured through many sources - marketing campaigns, exhibitions and trade shows, external databases, etc. The most common challenge is to successfully gather all the data and to track any lead activity.


Click on create button, next open the new lead page

        Enter the details of new customer company name, address, email, job position, website, sales person etc.


1.           Now select the lead that to be converted to opportunity.

2.           Click convert to opportunity.

3.           Sales--->  my pipeline

1.2 Convert leads into opportunities

Opportunity is a qualified lead, specific deal has met certain criteria which indicate a high value to the business, or a high probability of closing but when you have details of your visitors, it is just a lead. You have to get the enough details form you visitors, if matches with your business interest you can convert them into opportunity.

You can collect the leads instead of creating an opportunity and setup the process to qualify those leads before you convert them into opportunity. 

 Business case

Assumed that My Company is collecting contacts of all the visitors, through contact us page or visitor tracking system. Create a leads from the contact information and qualify them before converting them into an opportunities.

 Qualify Leads

 Send the mass mail on new leads received every day, prepare a good description of your product service details in an email and try to get more information from leads and their expectations from your products or service.


You can convert those leads into the opportunity, when your visitor reply to your email which was sent in mass mail.

Convert lead into an opportunity

The leads can be converted to an opportunity either manually or automatic depending on the volume of leads you have.

Manual conversion

Every day review your leads having reply from the prospects and convert all those leads into an opportunities. You can apply filter Unread Messages

Open the wizard Convert to Opportunity wizard form the Action menu and you are ready to convert selected leads into opportunities.


Apply duplication option will be selected automatically when system detect the duplicate leads in the system based on the email or phone number, duplicated leads will be displayed below form.

You can change the Sales channel if you would like to transfer the opportunity in other channel. You can choose either you would like to link the opportunity with customer by selecting existing or create a new or leave empty. You can create a customer later at the time of create a proposal for them.

The Salesman has to be assigned manually while converting leads into opportunity.

 Automatic conversion

 The automatic conversion and assignation of the opportunity can be done with the help of Lead Score application. You have to install and configure the scoring rules and assignation rules in order to convert leads into opportunity and assign to the correct member in the team. You can define domain on the sales channel which will fetch leads accordingly and convert it into the opportunity. The domain may include lead scores, page visited by visitor, and other information such as country, city, availability of the email or phone.

Please go through Automatic leads assignation to team memberโ€™s topic in Customer Relationship Management section.

1.3 Generate leads/opportunities from emails

Every sales channel is capable create lead/opportunity form the incoming emails. You can define the email alias when that receive an email the lead/opportunity will be created in that sales channel.

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By default, any email sent to will create an opportunity in the pipeline of the default sales channel.

 Configure email aliases

Each sales channel can have its own email alias, to generate leads/opportunities automatically assigned to it. It is useful if you manage several sales teams with specific business processes.

You will find the configuration of sales channels under Configuration / Sales Channels.

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1.4 Generate leads/opportunities from your website contact page

Automating the lead/opportunity generation will considerably improve your efficiency. Any visitor using the contact form on your website will create a lead/opportunity in the pipeline.

Contact us page

You benefit from ready-to-use contact form on your Seedor website that will generate leads/opportunities automatically

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Default sales team

Contact form creates a lead/opportunity into the specific sales channel, to change that specific sales channel, go to Website / Configuration / Settings under Communication section you will find the Contact Form info and where to change the default Sales Channel or Salesperson.

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Contact us page

Letโ€™s go and fill some information into the contact us page and submit the form

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Submit for form, visitor will get the thank you page having the emergency contact detail in case if they would like to connect quickly before sales people contact them.

Formatting the phone or mobile numbers

Validate contact (phone,mobile) numbers and normalize them on leads and contacts.

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2. Organize the pipeline

Get organized by planning activities

 Planning activities is the perfect way to keep on track of your work. Get reminded of what needs to be done and schedule the next activities to undertake.

Your activities are available wherever you are in Seedor. It is easy to manage the priorities of your work.

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Track activities

Activities can be tracked on every single document, Here is an example for opportunities:

 You can have an activities which are due, or to be performed today or in future, this 


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can be tracked on two places, kanban card or below the form view.

Schedule next activity

 Activities can be planned and managed from the chatters or from the kanban views on opportunity card.

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Set your activity types


A number of generic activities types are available by default in Seedor (e.g. call, email, meeting, etc.). If you would like to set new ones, go to Settings / General settings / Activity types.


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The next activity โ€œCallโ€ will be propose, when you fill finish the โ€œEmailโ€ activity.

Schedule meetings


Activities are planned for specific days. If you need to set hours, go with the Meeting activity type. When scheduling one, the calendar will simply open to let you select a time slot. 

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Image comment

 2.1 Get organized by planning activities

Schedule next activity

 Activities can be planned and managed from the chatters or from kanban views on opportunity card.


The first activity can be schedule or new activity can be scheduled as soon as you complete the first one.


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Set your activity types

 A number of generic activities types are available by default in Seedor (e.g. call, email, meeting, etc.). If you would like to set new ones, go to Settings / General settings / Activity types.

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The next activity โ€œCallโ€ will be propose, when you fill finish the โ€œEmailโ€ activity.

Schedule meetings

  Activities are planned for specific days. If you need to set hours, go with the Meeting activity type. When scheduling one, the calendar will simply open to let you select a time slot.

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2.2 Manage lost opportunities

 While working with your opportunities, you might lose some of them. You may want to keep track of those opportunities with the reasons you lost them and also the ways to recover them in the future.

Business case

The company planning to revised the price of the product they are selling and they would like to make a test offer or announcement about the to the opportunity who lost because of the reason โ€œToo Expensiveโ€.

Mark an opportunity as lost


While in your pipeline, select any opportunity you have to mark as lost, you will see a Mark Lost button, by clicking on that you have to select the lost reason that can then

select an existing Lost Reason or create a new one right there.

Retrieve lost opportunities

To retrieve lost opportunities and do actions on them (send an email, make a feedback call, etc.), select the Lost filter in the search bar.

You will then see all your lost opportunities. If you want to refine them further, you can add a filter on the Lost Reason.

For Example, Too Expensive.




You can switch to List View select the opportunities you want to restore, from Action click on Unarchive to restore multiple opportunities at once.

2.3 Automatic leads assignation to team members

There are multiple sales people working within the sales team, the number of leads increased you have to increase the number of people to work on. The problem starts for the team manager to assign the leads to them when team grows, letโ€™s see how you can make the team manager life easy with automatic leads assignation.

Business case

The company have an increased the team size to process the maximum leads per day as they start getting many new leads. They would like to first convert leads into opportunity and assign to the team members within team.



Qualification step before creating an opportunity

The default sales activity is managed with the opportunity pipeline, you can change that to add the qualification stage before creating an opportunity.


Assumed that you start getting leads into the team, by default all those leads are unassigned.


Add members to your sales channel


You can add members to the sales team; that way those members will see the pipeline structure of the sales team when opening it. Any lead/opportunity assigned to them will link to the sales team. Therefore, you can only be a member of one channel.

You can define maximum leads that should be assigned to the member within 30 days, this will ease the process of assigning the leads to the member easily.



 You can also add the specific domain on each user to be sure that each user get the specific leads to work on based on their expertise or country, etc. . .


Activate the lead assignation scheduler

 Enable into the debug mode and go to Schedule Action form home screen, just type the word.


Search for the Crm Score: lead assignation and Switch On the schedule action, it will automatically process 50 leads every day. If you want to assign frequent you can switch to Hours instead of Days.


2.4 Manage multiple sales teams

You can spread your sales activities into the multiple sale teams depending on the product, service or region, the  purpose of setting different sales team might also be to setup the different sales process too.


Business case
The company have a different customer segments retailer and distributors and they wants to manage through different set of people as the business rules are different along with the sales tactics.

 Create a new sales channel

To create a new Sales Channel, goto Configuration / Sales Channels under the CRM Application. There you can set an email alias to it, every message sent to that email address will create a lead/opportunity under that sale team.

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Add members to your sales channel

 You can add members to any channel; that way those members will see the pipeline structure of the sales channel when opening it. Any lead/opportunity assigned to them will link to the sales channel. Therefore, you can only be a member of one channel. This will ease the process review of the team manager. 


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Channel specific sales stages

 To jump to the stages for the specific sales challen go to Reporting / Sales Channels under the CRM Application, click on the Pipeline to see the sales process for the specific sales team. The default stages will be looking as below. 

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 Click on the Add new column to create a new stage in the sales team, lets create Qualified Sponsor stage and drag and drop between the Qualified and Proposition stage.

The stage can be set for the specific team by adding Team on the configuration of that stage. Click on the gear icon to

Edit Stage, by default this stage will be available to all the sales channel, when no Team set on stage.

Sales channel dashboard

To see the operations and results of all the sales channel at a glance, the sales manager has an access to the Sales Channel Dashboard under Reporting.

It is shared with the whole ecosystem so every revenue stream is included in it: Sales, e-commerce, PoS, etc. 

Sales pipe for specific channel

Click on the Pipeline button on sales channel to see the sales pipe for any specific channel, you will find all of its opportunities related to that sales channel. 

3.   Marketing Activity

3.1.     Which marketing platform bring more visitors


The biggest challenge for every business is how do I drive more traffic to my online store?, If you able to get the visitor you can convert them into customers. There are many ways to increase the visitors, advertise on the social media marketing is one of the proven way to get attract move visitor.

But the questions is which social media can bring more visitor and where to invest?, depending on your product and consumer you should choose the social media platform to invest for the marketing, still it is worth to track which marketing platform bring how many users on your website. 

Business case

 The My Company is running a electronic ecommerce store, they want to invest in the paid marketing on different social media platform such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Google.

The want to see which marketing platform drives how many new users so that they can focus more on the platform which brings more traffic.


Create a link to share

 You can share any website page from your website with the link tracker, It can be a Product, Shop, Home Page, Job Post or News from the Blogs. To create a sharable link that generates statistics, visit that page and go to Promote / Track this Page.

    Click on the Get tracked link button will generate the link that can be share and that link generates the statistical analysis, such as how many people visited by date, and form which country.

The statistics will be looks as below.


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3.2.      Measure which marketing campaign creates more opportunities

The biggest challenge for every business is how do I drive more traffic to my online store?, If you able to get the visitor you can convert them into customers. There are many ways to increase the visitors, advertise on the social media marketing is one of the proven way to get attract move visitor

But the questions is which social media can bring more opportunities to me?, depending on your product and consumer you should choose the social media platform to invest for the marketing, still it is worth to track which marketing platform bring how many users on your website 

Business case

 The My Company is running a electronic e-Commerce store, they want to invest in the paid marketing on different social media platform such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Google.

The want to see which marketing platform how many new opportunities? so that they can focus more on the platform which brings more business.


Add contact us form on product page

 You can add the contact us page on the frequently sold product page, which help us to generate the leads. Drag and drop the Form builder widget, select the option Create a lead.


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The default fields will be added to the screen, Opportunity, you can change the label to Subject and add additional fields from the widget customization option, such as Name, Email and Mobile.


Create a link to share

You can share any website page from your website with the link tracker, It can be a Product, Shop, Home Page, Job Post or News from the Blogs. To create a sharable link that generates statistics, visit that page and go to Promote / Track this Page.


Click on the Get tracked link button will generate the link that can be share and that link generates the statistical analysis, such as how many people visited by date, and form which country.


Creating an opportunities

Visitor visit the page through the link you shared on the Google Searching, the visitor will be tracked and same information will be attached to the Campaign, Medium and Source, when opportunities created.



Campaign Analysis

The number of opportunities can be grouped by the Source and Medium to check which platform bring how many opportunities coming from which marketing platform.


Can be analysed in detail by applying group by Source and then Medium. It will give us more clear view on from where the opportunities coming from.




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3.3.      Measure the score for an opportunity based on the user behavior on your website

 Tracking your website pages will give you much more information about the interests of your website visitors. Every tracked page they visit will be recorded on your lead/opportunity if they use the contact form on your website.

Track a webpage

You can track any static page you want on your website under the Promote tab



Create scoring rules

You now have a new menu in your CRM app called Leads Management / Scoring Rules where you can manage your scoring rules. Hereโ€™s an example for a Pricing Page Score, you can modify for whatever criteria you wish to score your leads on. You can add as many criterias as you wish.



Every hour a new leads without a score will be automatically scanned and assigned their right score according to your scoring rules.

Value on the score rules will be count cumulative to compute the leads/opportunities score when more than one rule found applied for the lead/opportunity.


See visited pages in opportunities

 Now each time a lead is created from the contact page it will keep track of the pages visited by that visitor. You have two ways to see those pages, on the top right corner of your lead/opportunity you can see a Page Views button but also further down you will see them in the chatter too.Both will update if the viewers comes back to your website and visits more pages.